Anal pain

Pain over anal region called anal pain. Anal pain is a common symptoms of anorectal diseases like piles (haemorrhoids), fissure, anal abscess, fistula, anal cancer etc.

1) Fissure, created by stool tearing the anus, which is generally an acute, sharp pain. There may be associated muscle spasm, resulting in prolonged pain over hours
2) Abscess, resulting from a bacterial infection, which may cause fever, night sweats and prolonged, constant pain.
3) Tumor, such as cancer, which may produce progressively worsening pain.
4) Fistula, created by an abnormal tunnel between the rectum and the skin, which can be painful.


When is anal pain serious?

Anal pain that does not resolve with the use of over the counter medications within 24-48 hours should be investigated by Anorectal Surgeon. Anal pain that lasts more than two weeks can be serious. Chronic anal pain that progressively gets more severe is possibly a cancer.

What can be done to relieve anal pain?

Maintain a high fiber diet, and drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Eating foods containing 25-30 grams of fibre Take sitz bath which can relieve anal pain in the majority of treatable conditions